“A must-read for all educators who care about the safety and success of our students.”
About The Book
As an experienced conflict mediator, I am always disappointed in young people’s choice to physically fight instead of talking out their differences. I have put out many “fires” in my office as I facilitate successful mediations between students in conflict. Sometimes, however, students are brought to me after a physical altercation has already occurred—after they have found themselves caught between two extremes, be punked or fight it out… Often, the question to me is, “What was I supposed to do?”
Contending that there are definite and positive ways to resolve conflicts without resorting to the barbaric tactic of physically fighting, I’ve endeavor to answer that question as often as possible. However, I eventually came up with a question of my own……………Go Fight For What?
Why is fighting a preferred method of handling disputes? What do you gain or attain by fighting? What do you get for those black eyes, bloody noses, slaps and gut punches? What do you achieve by stomping, kicking, tossing and banging with people? Does anyone ever win? Nowadays, young people want a ‘second round’ if you get the best of them. If there is a tie, then what? When does it end?
This book challenges the popular thinking among girls and young women who are all too comfortable demonstrating their anger and disagreements in aggressive manners which in many cases leads to verbal and/or physical altercations. Lives have been lost, permanent scars left, arrests and imprisonment has become the fate of many as a result of physical fights.
The words of numerous great and notable people have been used to help get my point across. Check out the Chapter titles within this book chosen purposefully to captivate and sustain the attention of the reader. Each chapter ends with the (Go Fight For What?) #GFFWchallenge for the reader to Pause & Ponder.
In addition, this book helps the reader confront anger issues and self-esteem. You learn that you do not have to go running around chasing down every negative word spoken about you and that you can put some RESPECT on your own name. You learn to command, not demand, respect and never have to resort to the antiquated way- like cavemen- of physically fighting.
This book is full of quotes and antidotes to stimulate the mind of the reader.
Roshelyn C. McCoy
Counselor | Motivational Speaker | Conflict Mediator | Author | Life Coach
Roshelyn McCoy is a high school Counselor, Motivational Speaker, Conflict Mediator, Author and Life Coach. She earned a BA in Secondary Education: Social Studies/ Psychology and a second field endorsement in Speech Communication. She also earned a MA in Education Counseling. She has served in education for 30+ years, first as a teacher and then as a counselor. Roshelyn went into the professional field of Education with this motto: “I didn’t come to make dollars, I came to make a difference”.
Roshelyn McCoy has had the privilege to serve young people in pre-school, middle and high school affording her the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of three generations of young people in one capacity or another. Her extracurricular opportunities includes being a sponsor for many clubs, such as Peer Leaders, Senior Class Club, and Student Counsel as well as a sponsor for organizations such as the Girl Scouts Transformers and as head varsity cheer coach.
Roshelyn has done many motivational speeches or served as a panelist or seminar presenter for hundreds of youth at Youth Retreats, Youth Rallies, Lock-Ins, Summer Academies and Convocations. In addition, she has led many small groups and one-on-one sessions with teens and women in various settings to empower them to become their best self and to work through personal life struggles. She also has had the opportunity to work with teens and women, to resolve conflicts with friends, family members, church members, acquaintances, lovers, and enemies.
Roshelyn reserves a special giftedness and passion for her work in mediating conflicts to decrease the number of physical fights within the school and the community. She has proved to be a skilled mediator determined to make a difference for the greater good, and she is committed to putting out as many fires- that leads to violence- as she can. She is also committed to pass the torch to other counselors, administrators, teachers, and young people.
Mrs. McCoy, I don’t know what to say, but – WOW! I’m amazed that you wrote such a book and I am honored to have received a first look. I felt a range of emotions alternating from joy to sadness to tears welling up in my eyes. I never thought I’d relate to a book so much in my life! I love the use of quotes, the real life experiences of celebrities, and that you included your personal experiences. A quote that spoke to me came from chapter one, “Wise men speak because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something.” I wasn’t sure why it spoke to me until I took some time to reflect. Since I’m often quiet and reserved, people tend to assume that something is wrong and have a hard time believing me when I say, “I’m fine. I just have nothing to say.” I’ve never been one to talk just to talk, that’s just how I am; so this quote really made me happy. This is definitely going to be a best seller and I’ll be here if you need any advertising whether that be through social media or whatever. Best of luck with all your future endeavors.
Fatima K.
16-year-old, High School Student
I have known Roshelyn McCoy for over 35 years. She is a very gifted and talented educator and conflict resolution mediator who has an uncanny ability to penetrate young people and get results with wit and her relatedness. I am not surprised that the first book Roshelyn wrote focuses on conflict resolution, given this is her passion and area of expertise. She wrote this book with humor, honesty, and with practical life experiences the reader can apply to any relationship conflict. I highly recommend this book to educators, parents, students, or anyone looking for practical life tools to successfully resolve and transform day-to-day conflicts into workable disagreements. After reading this book and apply the tools Roshelyn offers, I am confident you will never deal with a relationship conflict in a negative and unhealthy manner again.
Brenda Robertson
Confidant and Friend
I worked closely with Roshelyn for twelve years. She is a great mother, wife, friend, colleague, mentor, and counselor. Roshelyn has successfully assisted countless students and staff with conflict resolution. She is passionate about offering a positive school environment for all, and she has put many conflict resolution strategies to the test and has identified what really works. Go Fight for What? is the real deal, and schools should adapt this gentle approach that Roshelyn conveys.
Jocelyn L. Page
There is definitely a place for this book in YA (Young Adult) collections! Adolescent females, especially those of color, would benefit from hearing this ‘straight talk’ on how to resolve their interpersonal conflicts, while still being able to save face.
Sherry M.
High School Library Media Specialist
I worked as a school counselor with Roshelyn McCoy for nearly 20 years. During that time, she was our go-to person when students were in conflict with one another. She has used those skills to write this book as a guide to the many insights she has picked up over the years. Her book is excellent and a joy to read. I can’t think of a more relevant topic in our era of conflict. Whether you are a student, parent, or educator, you will find many useful pearls of wisdom between these covers. I highly recommend it!
Joseph Doerr
Guidance Counselor
I have known Mrs. McCoy for several years while working with the school district. Mrs. McCoy has a passion for motivating students, and she has a phenomenal way of conducting the mediations that she is charged with when working with her students. Mrs. McCoy has an authoritative voice that captures her audience, and that is part of her passion. This book will be extremely useful for high school students, parents, counselors, and teachers.
Angela M. Bryant
MSW, LCSW, ACSW, ASCSW RPT (Registered Play Therapist)
Profound! This is the word to describe both Roshelyn McCoy and her impact on three decades of young men and women through education. Being a former educator and current junior high mentor, I am well aware of the need for the remedies against violence to be taught within our schools. I find no one more prepared and experienced to share these solutions than Roshelyn. This book is a must read for all educators who care for the safety and success of our students.
Solomon Adair
Lead Pastor | Inspired to Live Church; 40 Under 40 Chamber of Commerce Arlington, Texas
Roshelyn pens Go Fight for What? while systemically using the songs of today to speak to her targeted audience. This book is written in a relevant and informative manner. Educators, parents, and teens can utilize the tips in this book to understand and resolve conflicts that adolescents and teens face.
Wykeeta Lee
Licensed Professional Counselor
Mrs. Roshelyn McCoy is uniquely gifted, with an unbiased gracious position in being able to solve conflicts and turn a negative altercation into a positive outcome. She is able to mediate in a way that allows all persons involved to leave with a different perception. In reading this book, you will find helpful tools that can be implemented during any dissension.
Evangelist Missionary
Mother Pauline Gentry, Author of In the Closet of Prayer
Purchase Book
Go Fight For What?
Go Fight For What? Is divided into 3 parts covering all of the basics of Social Emotional Learning (SEL).
Part one: Why all the violence and physical fighting? (social awareness and relationship skills)
Part two: How can anger be controlled? (anger management, conflict resolution, and responsible decision making)
Part Three: How do I command respect? (self-awareness, self-management, and Positive self-esteem)